What’s a Discovery Flight?

Introductory flight and discovery flight cockpit

Introductory flight or discovery flight cockpit

An Introductory Flight often called a discovery flight, is just what it sounds like: A flight that allows a person that’s never been flying to try it out for the first time.

You can take an introductory flight /discovery flight to learn what it’s like to fly, see if it’s something you might want to pursue, or sometimes just see the area.

An Introductory flight /discovery flight is a short 30-minute flight with a certified instructor.

What to Expect During a Discovery Flight?

It’s Casual: Your pilot will be friendly and relaxed. Citywings is an environment for learning, so you may see other student pilots engaging in lessons. Your instructor will likely welcome you personally.

It’s a Small Airplane: Most of the time, the airplane is a high-wing, single-engine propeller airplane in which the instructor and the student sit side-by-side in the front.

You might Participate: It’s voluntary, of course, but you will likely be allowed to fly the aircraft on your own, with the instructor coaching you.

You will wear a Headset: Pilots wear headsets to reduce cockpit noise and to clearly communicate with each other, as well as other pilots flying in the area and air traffic control, if necessary.

Expect to have fun: He or She will briefly explain the exterior and interior parts of the airplane. This is followed by the flight, where you sit at the controls from the left seat and have the opportunity to fly while being guided from the takeoff to the landing safely under the instructor's supervision.

Register below for a 30-minute discovery flight today for only $99!

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